
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

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Does America needs Barack Obama ?

By: Gjithcka nga bota On: 7:06 AM
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  • Barack Obama: Most Americans want him back as President, poll shows

    Donald Trump has been President for 13 days and yet more than half of Americans are missing former President Barack Obama, according to a new poll.
    A total of 52 per cent of Americans are yearning for Mr Obama, found a survey from Public Policy Polling, while just 43 per cent are glad that Mr Trump is in the White House.
    Furthermore, 40 per cent want the new President to be impeached, up from 35 per cent one week ago.
    More than 500,000 people have also signed up to a petition by campaign group Impeach Trump Now on the basis that he has not taken a far enough step away from his real estate empire whilst in government.


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