
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

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DONALD TRUMP buys 2 kids (VIDEO)

By: Gjithcka nga bota On: 1:00 PM
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  • Spicer: Trump informed 17 days ago of Flynn’s dissembling

    White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Mr. Trump was informed 17 days ago by White House Counsel Donald McGahn that his national security adviser had not been truthful when he told Vice President Mike Pence that he had not discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador.
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    Mr. Spicer said the president asked Mr. McGahn to then determine whether Mr. Flynn had violated the law. In the end, he said, there was “a violation of trust,” not “a violation of law.”
    “It was an evolving an eroding process,” Mr. Spicer said when asked why Mr. Trump’s senior adviser, Kellyanne Conway, could say General Flynn had the president’s full trust on Monday afternoon.


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